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UK Universal Studios Could Create 20,000 Jobs

Universal Studios Florida in Orlando

Universal Destinations and Experiences plans to open a new UK Universal Studios operating year-round and create 20,000 jobs. 

The company recently purchased a 476-acre site in Kempston Hardwick, near Bedford.

It confirmed to the BBC its intention to keep the park open 365 days a year.

Once operational, the resort is projected to generate nearly £50 billion for the UK economy. 

Universal forecasts the net economic contribution of the project to be £35.1 billion during construction and the first 20 years of operation. 

It is also estimated to generate up to £14.1 billion in net additional tax returns for HM Treasury.


Upon opening, the resort is expected to create 8,000 new jobs, increasing over time. 

Universal is committed to paying the living wage.

It believes the resort would be among the most visited attractions in the UK, drawing millions of international visitors.

Universal undertook a four-week public engagement in May, speaking to nearly 1,500 people in person and receiving over 6,000 survey responses. 

This public consultation period was crucial for gauging community support and identifying potential concerns.

Universal continues to conduct due diligence to determine the project's feasibility. 

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