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Corporate Conspiracy Theories That Won’t Go Away

An Illuminati symbol

Corporate conspiracy theories have existed for decades and have been magnified by social media over the past decade.

They capture the imagination by suggesting behind-the-scenes manipulations by powerful entities shape our world in profound ways.

They often show public cynicism and mistrust of large corporations and highlight concerns over the pursuit of money over all else.

These theories often reflect public mistrust in large corporations and highlight concerns about transparency and ethics.

In modern times, they spread like wildfire across the internet and are often used by unscrupulous characters to boost their own profiles.

Here are some notable examples.


Big Pharma Suppresses Cures

One of the more pervasive conspiracy theories is that pharmaceutical companies suppress cures for diseases like cancer to continue profiting from ongoing treatments.

Advocates of this theory believe that cures are deliberately kept secret to maintain high sales of existing drugs.

The Illuminati and Major Corporations

The Illuminati conspiracy theory suggests a secret society controls major corporations and influences global events.

This theory suggests elite groups use their power to manipulate markets and maintain control over the world economy.

Planned Obsolescence

Many believe that tech companies, particularly in the electronics sector, design products with a limited lifespan to force consumers into purchasing newer models.

Apple, for instance, has been accused of intentionally slowing down older iPhone models to encourage upgrades.

There may be some truth in this as Apple has been prosecuted over claims it claims it intentionally slowed down specific iPhones.

It denies the claims, but has agreed to pay out to customers.

The Oil Industry and Renewable Energy

There’s a conspiracy theory major oil companies have stifled the development and adoption of renewable energy technologies to protect their profits.

Proponents argue breakthroughs in energy efficiency and alternative fuels are suppressed or bought out by oil giants.

Social Media Manipulation

Some theorists argue social media companies manipulate user data and algorithms to influence public opinion and behavior.

Facebook and Twitter have been at the center of allegations that they shape political discourse and consumer habits in subtle but powerful ways.

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal, where the data of millions of Facebook users was used to to provide assistance to the 2016 presidential campaigns of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, did little to ease these fears.

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Water Privatization

A theory persists that large corporations are working to privatize water supplies globally, creating monopolies over this essential resource.

Companies like Nestlé have faced accusations of exploiting water resources at the expense of local communities.

Control of Food Supply

Monsanto, now part of Bayer, has been the focal point of theories suggesting it aims to control the global food supply through its patented genetically modified seeds.

Critics argue its dominance in the market stifles competition and forces farmers into dependency.

5G and Health Risks

The rollout of 5G technology has sparked theories that telecom companies are covering up serious health risks associated with electromagnetic radiation.

Some believe that the push for widespread 5G deployment overlooks potential long-term health consequences.

This went a step further during the Covid pandemic in England, where a completely false theory emerged that 5G was being used to spread the virus.

This actually led to people setting fire to the new 5G masts.

Banking and Economic Crises

There’s a theory major banks and financial institutions orchestrate economic crises to consolidate power and wealth.

The 2008 financial crisis is often cited as an example, with claims that it was deliberately engineered to allow certain firms to acquire distressed assets cheaply.

Is there any substance?

These theories often capture public imagination.

However, they generally lack substantial evidence and are typically based on anecdotal or circumstantial claims.

However, what they do is reflect deep-seated mistrust in large corporations and raise questions about transparency, ethics, and corporate governance.

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