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Indeed Staff Await Redundancy Decisions

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Employees at Indeed are bracing for redundancy announcements, following a selection procedure carried out in recent weeks. 

Staff affected by the process are anxiously awaiting confirmation of job losses, .

Some are considering asking for intervention from the Workplace Relations Commission over the terms currently offered.

Indeed had previously announced plans to cut around 70 jobs at its Dublin offices, the headquarters for its Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) operations. 

The company employs over 1,200 people in Ireland. 

Initially, 170 staff members were informed they were at risk.


It is now expected nearly 70 employees in sales, customer service, and R&D will be confirmed for departure.

Staff representatives have advocated for delayed departures, arguing that finding new employment at the start of summer is particularly difficult. 

They are also pushing for improved redundancy terms.

The company has offered at least 16 weeks’ pay plus statutory entitlements.

It also proposes one week’s pay for each year of service beyond five years. 

CEO Chris Hyams said the current redundancies aim to streamline the company’s structures and eliminate duplication

However, representatives, advised by the Financial Services Union, are seeking better terms for long-serving employees.

Last year, the union recruited several members within the company after 220 staff were laid off due to financial concerns. 

Despite these earlier cuts, Indeed has rebounded strongly, with Indeed Ireland Operations Limited reporting profits of €783 million for the 15-month period ending March 31st of last year.

CEO Chris Hyams said the current redundancies aim to streamline the company’s structures and eliminate duplication. 

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Staff representatives argue Indeed’s current profitability should allow for more generous redundancy terms, though there has been no indication of improvements.

Indeed has modified its recruitment criteria for redundancy, now considering voluntary departures alongside performance as key factors. 

The company emphasizes that it aims to make the process open and transparent, ensuring all impacted colleagues fully understand the proposals and that all concerns are considered.

An Indeed spokesperson said: “We have engaged in collective consultation with elected employee representatives chosen by their colleagues and will continue to engage constructively, including with respect to all matters raised. 

“We will, of course, comply with all legal obligations around this process.”

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