6,217 Construction manager jobs in the United States

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Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85204 Mesa, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85254 Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85323 Avondale, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85258 Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85020 Phoenix, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85250 Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85234 Gilbert, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85281 Tempe, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85015 Phoenix, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

Project Manager, C&I - Electrical Construction (Phoenix, AZ)

  • 85051 Phoenix, Arizona
  • Sturgeon Electric Company
  • Posted 1 day ago
About the Role: The Project Manager, C&I is responsible for cost estimates and general operational oversight of various commercial and industrial electrical construction projects. Company Overview ...

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